Company History
Our company’s history began on May 1, 2014. Below are some of the milestones that have marked our development and paved the way for our successful establishment in the Slovak market.
- Government of the Slovak Republic approves a resolution to set up SZRB Asset Management (SZRB AM)
- SZRB Asset Management is officially established
- SZRB AM signs financing contracts with managing authorities and acquires its initial investment resources
- as of 1 January, SZRB AM takes over the management of EU resources under JEREMIE programme from the EIF (European Investment Fund) and doubles the volume of invested resources
- SZRB AM concludes its first ever investment, in the D4R7 motorway project. The project subsequently receives the ‘European PPP Deal of the Year 2016’ award from the Project Finance International magazine.
- SZRB AM announces its first public procurement of financial intermediaries to provide soft loans to SMEs and energy efficiency projects in residential buildings
- The company is rebranded as the Slovak Investment Holding (SIH)
- SIH concludes its first direct venture capital investment in GA Drilling, Boataround, and GreenWay
- SIH establishes a subsidiary - Slovak Asset Management (SAM) - which acquires a license from the NBS (National Bank of Slovakia) to manage alternative investment funds
- SIH launches cooperation with banks to provide soft loans for SMEs
- SIH, in cooperation with the EIB (European Investment Bank) and the EC (European Commission), launches investment advisory assignments to identify bankable projects in Slovakia suitable for European repayable financing
- SIH establishes its Venture to Future Fund (VFF) in order to facilitate commercial equity financing for SMEs
- SIH launches cooperation with fund managers to provide equity financing for waste management and renewable energy projects
- SIH launches cooperation with fund managers to provide equity financing for start-up companies
- SIH launches cooperation with additional banks to provide soft loans to SMEs and energy efficiency projects for residential buildings
- SIH signs a loan financing deal with ŽSR (Slovak National Railways) for their diagnostic vehicles project
- SIH finalizes further direct venture capital investments in Qres Technologies, Aeromobil, KOOR and ENSTRA
- The SIH’s financial instrument won a prestigious European award, organised by fi-compass
- SIH, Slovenská sporiteľňa and the Polish company Towarzystwo Inwestycji Społeczno-Ekonomicznych (TISE) start joint support for the social economy through the provision of loans to social enterprises and enterprises with a social impact
- Venture to Future Fund obtains a historic investment from the European Investment Bank
- SIH, Všeobecná úverová banka and Slovenská sporiteľňa start financial cooperation to support research and development and innovation activities in Slovakia
- SIH, Social Financing SK and Slovenská sporiteľňa Foundation establish the joint venture ‘Affordable Home’ with the aim of providing affordable housing for disadvantaged people and other groups of the population in a sustainable way
- SIH and ODK Investment conclude an investment in OMNIA KLF
- SIH responds promptly to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In March, SIH presents the guarantee scheme ‘SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee 1’ followed up in June by ‘SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee 2’. Most commercial banks operating in Slovakia are gradually participating in financial assistance programmes for companies affected by the corona crisis in the form of preferential, state-guaranteed loans; by the end of 2020, around 7,000 companies had been supported by loans totalling almost 700 million euros.
- SIH becomes a member of the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI)
- SIH concludes investment in GymBeam. It is the largest e-commerce investment in the history of Slovakia
- SIH enters into additional investments (pandemic support) in, AeroMobil R&D and GA Holding
- SIH and the Slovak Alliance for Innovative Economy (SAPIE) with the support of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (MF SR) present a financial instrument "SIH Anti-Corona Capital" to support innovative companies in during the corona crisis. Under this programme, SIH will provide convertible loans for innovative companies.
- SIH and the European Investment Bank (EIB) conclude a financing agreement from the European Investment Advisory Hub under the EIB call – ‘Provision of local investment advisory services by National promotional banks and institutions (NPBIs)’. The funds will be used to advise public sector bodies to increase the energy efficiency of public buildings.
- SIH is once again among the national finalists in the Investor of the Year 2020 category in the Central European Startup Awards (CES Awards)
- SIH provides financing for the company KOOR for the development of the energy services market
We invest in 8 Slovak innovative companies as part of the SIH Anti-Corona Capital Programme
SIH continues the programme "SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee", 10 commercial banks involved in the program provide financial assistance to companies affected by the coronavirus crisis in the form of preferential, state-guaranteed loans
SIH concludes cooperation in the field of energy efficiency with the company e-Dome
SIH will help the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava, finance the restoration of the iconic Grӧssling Baths. SIH and the Capital City of Bratislava concluded a contract and established a business company to ensure the reconstruction and operation of the Grӧssling spa and city library.
SlH provides a loan to Systeming to finance measures to improve the energy efficiency of enterprises and public buildings
SIH starts cooperation with funds to support the social economy
"SIH Anti-Corona Guarantee Programme" was turned into "SIH Anti-Crisis Guarantee Programme" in August. ANTI-CRISIS reflects the current challenges facing entrepreneurs: the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, inflation, the polycrisis, and permacrisis.
Investment of SIH in the field of cultural and creative industry. SIH will help in the revitalization and transformation of the First Slovak Literary Grammar School in Revúca into a modern cultural and educational hub.
SIH provides the Railways of the Slovak Republic with a long-term preferential loan of almost 13 million euros. The amount is earmarked for the reconstruction project of the Košice Railway Station, which is currently under implementation. After the modernisation is completed, the station in the eastern metropolis will be the most modern in Slovakia.
SIH is launching a project of preferential financing for Self-Governing Regions
Start of the project Dostupný Nájom (Affordable Rent)
We are establishing the National Development Fund III. (NDF III.) - a fund that will manage and invest funds from the new programme period 2021 - 2027
Increase of the Venture to Future Fund (VFF) by funds from the Recovery Plan of 15.3 million. euro
fi-compass of the European Investment Bank designates Slovak Investment Holding as an exemplary model of implementation of financial instruments in the European Union. In April, it publishes a comprehensive case study and a series of videos with examples of supported projects and investments in Slovakia.
fi-compass Showcase 2023 - "Financing a Sustainable and Inclusive Europe". We are in the TOP 10 with the Litterra and Grössling project.
SIH successfully revaluated investments in ENSTRA and GymBeam
SIH made an equity investment in Inobat
SIH celebrates 10 years of supporting Slovak businesses and investments. Through financial instruments, he gave a helping hand to thousands of companies during the pandemic, helped green projects, innovations and social entrepreneurship.
- 15.3 million euros for startups - additional financing from the Recovery and Resilience Plan through Slovak Investment Holding will extend the investment period of the VFF fund until the end of 2026.
- SIH takes home the winning prize from the fi-compass Showcase Award 2024 for the Dosupný Domov project
- SIH successfully exited
- SIH, as one of the partners of Startup Awards Slovakia 2024, helped revive this unique event, because SIH perceive the need to support the innovation and startup ecosystem in Slovakia.
Slovak Investment Holding
Slovak Investment Holding, a. s. (hereinafter referred to as the “SIH”) is a joint stock company 100% owned by the Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank. SIH's main objective is to support public and private investments in strategic sectors in Slovakia. SIH fulfils this goal through its four core activities:
SIH’s Principles
SIH’s philosophy is the promotion of financial instruments that are based on a repayable form of financial assistance. This type of investments has several advantages, including: