National Development Fund II. (hereinafter referred to as the “NDF II.”) is an investment fund through which financial instruments from the European Structural and Investment Funds are being implemented during the 2014-2020 programming period. NDF II. is managed by the SIH Company. Financial resources allocated to NDF II. as of the 31st December 2017 amount to EUR 623 mil. NDF II.’s investment strategy is based on operational programmes from which funds were invested into NDF II. and on financing agreements between the managing/intermediate bodies, SIH and NDF II.
Financial instruments implemented via NDF II. are repayable. Individual financial instruments are tailored to the specificities of each investment area, with purpose to maximise the benefit for the final beneficiaries. Financial products implemented through NDF II. include guarantee, loan and equity products. NDF II. investments can be implemented through financial intermediaries or directly to final beneficiaries.
NDF II.’s main objective is to improve access to financing for projects and institutions that are active in the following areas:
- Transport infrastructure (direct investment)
- Energy efficiency (through financial intermediaries)
- Waste management (through financial intermediaries)
- Social economy (direct investment + through financial intermediaries)
- SMEs (direct investment + through financial intermediaries)